What Is IaSQL

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I discovered an interesting open-source project today that has an entirely different approach from mine. Honestly, I couldn’t get along with it yet, but it might be in the near future I use it.

Do you have any ideas about creating your own AWS infrastructure, such as EC2s, ECS or etc. via PostgreSQL queries? This is the main idea of this open-source project: IaSQL.

IP Public on AWS ECS Fargate

There are many cases that might you need to have direct IP public address on your ECS task. When your tasks are on EC2, situation is a little easier, but if you are on Fargate, you need to do some tricks to get a reachable IP public.

AWS EC2 gai.conf

gai.conf is a configuration file in Linux systems that controls the behavior of the getaddrinfo library function. This function is used to translate hostnames or IP addresses into socket addresses that are usable by various network protocols. By configuring gai.conf, you can specify the priority and order in which different address families (such as IPv4 and IPv6) are returned by the getaddrinfo function.

How Run SIPp on AWS EC2

SIPp is a free, open-source tool for testing Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) communication systems. It was created to simulate thousands of simultaneous incoming and outgoing SIP calls, allowing users to stress test and measure the performance of their SIP infrastructure.

SIPp is a highly flexible tool, and its scripting language supports various SIP message types and parameters, allowing you to test the behavior of your SIP infrastructure in detail. It also supports SIP over Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) for secure communication.

Book Review: Distributed Systems With Node.js

Titel: “Distributed Systems With Node.js”

Edition: 2020

Author: Thomas Hunter II

Link: OREILLY Website

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The book in my list that I was interested in reviewing was this one, which I thought might have some useful tips for my work.

This book, “Distributed Systems with Node.js” by Thomas Hunter, focuses on teaching readers how to use Node.js for building backend services for distributed systems, rather than frontend web development. The book covers topics such as deploying and scaling Node.js applications, making them redundant and resilient to failure, and observing the health of the application. By the end of the book, readers will have a solid understanding of the technologies needed to run Node.js services in a production environment. However, it’s important to note that the book is not intended to make readers experts on these systems and it doesn’t cover all the technology used in different employer’s solutions. But it will help readers to understand how to run a local instances.