SIPREC Server on AWS

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Any telco company and MNO must provide tools or interfaces to third-party companies or government agencies for monitoring or lawful interception (LI) purposes. There are various 3GPP standards for LI systems and their interfaces like X1/2/3 that you can refer to. In addition, sometimes when customers complain about calls and voice qualities, and customer services report it, it is required to have a tool to monitor a specific subscriber or bunch of subscribers to verify what the issue is or what causes that.

VoLTE in Pixel vs Samsung Phones

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When you are implementing mobile core services, and struggling with ridiculous 3GPP standards, (don’t panic, if you work with those docs, you can understand what I am saying! ), you should be grateful if you have a production reference capture. In this step, you probably can test some of your functions and at least try to achieve the same output or data structure.

AWS NLB Is Transparent

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Hi readers, I just came to share a short story (actually a fact) that I learned recently with you that might not be new to you! The Elastic Load balancer is one of the typical services of AWS that you usually have a case that needs it. It is the same here and we are using ALB (Application Load Balancer) and NLB (Network Load Balancer) in our services. But I noticed a fact about AWS NLB that changed my assumptions. NLB does pass through the TCP connections to the targets, so it is transparent!

SDP Bandwidth Attributes

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Session Description Protocol (SDP) is a communication protocol used for describing multimedia sessions between two or more endpoints. SDP provides a standardized way of describing the parameters of a multimedia session, including IPs, ports, codecs and the bandwidth requirements for each media stream. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the SDP bandwidth attributes and how they are used to specify the bandwidth requirements for media streams.